Home | Spare Parts | Chimney Cassette Filter

Chimney Cassette Filter

1,600.00 2,150.00

Chimney Cassette Filter 2 nos

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PLEASE Note: Dear Customer Before Order Measure your chimney filter clearly confirm your size 32 x 26 cm, All In One Filters ,Aluminium Sheet Cassette filter for all Brand of Chimney. Usually, the filters have multiple layers of aluminium or stainless steel mesh filters to trap the solid particles while allowing the smoke to escape.

PLEASE Note: Dear Customer Before Order Measure your chimney filter clearly confirm your size 32 x 26 cm, All In One Filters ,Aluminium Sheet Cassette filter for all Brand of Chimney. Usually, the filters have multiple layers of aluminium or stainless steel mesh filters to trap the solid particles while allowing the smoke to escape.

PLEASE Note: Dear Customer Before Order Measure your chimney filter clearly confirm your size 32 x 26 cm, All In One Filters ,Aluminium Sheet Cassette filter for all Brand of Chimney. Usually, the filters have multiple layers of aluminium or stainless steel mesh filters to trap the solid particles while allowing the smoke to escape.